布尔类型 (Bool)

boolis Move's primitive type for boolean true and falsevalues.

bool 是 Move 布尔基本类型,有 truefalse 两个值。

字面量 (Literals)

Literals for bool are either true or false .

布尔类型字面值只能是 true 或者 false中的一个 。

操作 (Operations)

逻辑运算 (Logical)

boolsupports three logical operations:

SyntaxDescriptionEquivalent Expression
&&short-circuiting logical andp && q is equivalent to if (p) q else false
||short-circuiting logical orp || q is equivalent to if (p) true else q
!logical negation!p is equivalent to if (p) false else true

bool 支持三种逻辑运算:

句法描述Equivalent Expression
&&短路逻辑与(short-circuiting logical and)p && q 等价于 if (p) q else false
||短路逻辑或(short-circuiting logical or)`p
!逻辑非(logical negation)!p 等价于 if (p) false else true

控制流 (Control Flow)

boolvalues are used in several of Move's control-flow constructs:

布尔值用于 Move 的多个控制流结构中:

所有权 (Ownership)

As with the other scalar values built-in to the language, boolean values are implicitly copyable, meaning they can be copied without an explicit instruction such as [copy](<https://move-language.github.io/move/variables.html#move-and-copy>).
