全局存储 —— 结构(Global Storage - Structure)

The purpose of Move programs is to read from and write to tree-shaped persistent global storage. Programs cannot access the filesystem, network, or any other data outside of this tree.

Move 程序的目的是读取和写入树形的持久全局存储。程序不能访问文件系统、网络或任何此树以外的数据。

In pseudocode, the global storage looks something like:


struct GlobalStorage {
  resources: Map<(address, ResourceType), ResourceValue>
  modules: Map<(address, ModuleName), ModuleBytecode>

Structurally, global storage is a forest consisting of trees rooted at an account address. Each address can store both resource data values and module code values. As the pseudocode above indicates, each address can store at most one resource value of a given type and at most one module with a given name.
