
Packages allow Move programmers to more easily re-use code and share it across projects. The Move package system allows programmers to easily:

  • Define a package containing Move code;
  • Parameterize a package by named addresses;
  • Import and use packages in other Move code and instantiate named addresses;
  • Build packages and generate associated compilation artifacts from packages; and
  • Work with a common interface around compiled Move artifacts.

包允许 Move 程序员更轻松地重用代码并在项目之间共享。Move 包系统允许程序员轻松地:

  • 定义一个包含 Move代码的包;
  • 通过命名地址参数化包;
  • 在其他 Move 代码中导入和使用包并实例化命名地址;
  • 构建包并从包中生成相关的编译源代码;
  • 使用围绕已编译 Move 工件的通用接口。

包布局和清单语法(Package Layout and Manifest Syntax)

A Move package source directory contains a Move.toml package manifest file along with a set of subdirectories:

Move 包源目录包含一个Move.toml包清单文件以及一组子目录:

        ├── Move.toml      (required)(需要的)
        ├── sources        (required)(需要的)
        ├── examples       (optional, test & dev mode)(可选的,测试 & 开发者模式)
        ├── scripts        (optional)(可选的)
        ├── doc_templates  (optional)(可选的)
        └── tests          (optional, test mode)(可选的,测试模式)

The directories marked required must be present in order for the directory to be considered a Move package and to be compiled. Optional directories can be present, and if so will be included in the compilation process. Depending on the mode that the package is built with (test or dev), the tests and examples directories will be included as well.

标记为required 的目录必须存在才可以将该目录作为 Move 包并进行编译。可选目录被视为可存在的,如果存在,将包含在编译过程里。根据使用 (testdev)构建包的模式,testsexamples 目录也将包含在内。

The sources directory can contain both Move modules and Move scripts (both transaction scripts and modules containing script functions). The examples directory can hold additional code to be used only for development and/or tutorial purposes that will not be included when compiled outside test or dev mode.

sources目录可以包含 Move 模块和 Move 脚本(事务脚本和包含脚本函数的模块)。Example目录可以保留仅用于开发和/或用作教程目的附加代码,当在 test 或者dev模式之外时,这些附加代码编译时不会被包括进来。

A scripts directory is supported so transaction scripts can be separated from modules if that is desired by the package author. The scripts directory will always be included for compilation if it is present. Documentation will be built using any documentation templates present in the doc_templates directory.

scripts目录是被支持的,如果包作者需要,事物脚本可以从模块中分离。如果该scripts目录存在,则编译时将始终包含该目录。 Move将使用存在于doc_templates 目录的任何模板构建文档。

包清单 Move.toml

The Move package manifest is defined within the Move.toml file and has the following syntax. Optional fields are marked with *, + denotes one or more elements:

Move 包清单在Move.toml文件中定义,并具有以下语法。可选字段标有*+表示一个或多个元素:

    name = <string>                  # e.g., "MoveStdlib"
    version = "<uint>.<uint>.<uint>" # e.g., "0.1.1"
    license* = <string>              # e.g., "MIT", "GPL", "Apache 2.0"
    authors* = [<string>]            # e.g., ["Joe Smith (joesmith@noemail.com)", "Jane Smith (janesmith@noemail.com)"]

    [addresses]  # (Optional section) Declares named addresses in this package and instantiates named addresses in the package graph
    # One or more lines declaring named addresses in the following format
    <addr_name> = "_" | "<hex_address>" # e.g., std = "_" or my_addr = "0xC0FFEECAFE"

    [dependencies] # (Optional section) Paths to dependencies and instantiations or renamings of named addresses from each dependency
    # One or more lines declaring dependencies in the following format
    <string> = { local = <string>, addr_subst* = { (<string> = (<string> | "<hex_address>"))+ } } # local dependencies
    <string> = { git = <URL ending in .git>, subdir=<path to dir containing Move.toml inside git repo>, rev=<git commit hash>, addr_subst* = { (<string> = (<string> | "<hex_address>"))+ } } # git dependencies

    [dev-addresses] # (Optional section) Same as [addresses] section, but only included in "dev" and "test" modes
    # One or more lines declaring dev named addresses in the following format
    <addr_name> = "_" | "<hex_address>" # e.g., std = "_" or my_addr = "0xC0FFEECAFE"

    [dev-dependencies] # (Optional section) Same as [dependencies] section, but only included in "dev" and "test" modes
    # One or more lines declaring dev dependencies in the following format
    <string> = { local = <string>, addr_subst* = { (<string> = (<string> | <address>))+ } }

An example of a minimal package manifest with one local dependency and one git dependency:

一个具有局部依赖项和一个 git 依赖项的最小包清单示例:

    name = "AName"
    version = "0.0.0"

An example of a more standard package manifest that also includes the Move standard library and instantiates the named address Std from it with the address value 0x1:

一个包括 Move 标准库并从中使用地址值0x1实例化命名地址Std的更标准的包清单示例:

    name = "AName"
    version = "0.0.0"
    license = "Apache 2.0"

    address_to_be_filled_in = "_"
    specified_address = "0xB0B"

    # Local dependency
    LocalDep = { local = "projects/move-awesomeness", addr_subst = { "std" = "0x1" } }
    # Git dependency
    MoveStdlib = { git = "https://github.com/diem/diem.git", subdir="language/move-stdlib", rev = "56ab033cc403b489e891424a629e76f643d4fb6b" }

    [dev-addresses] # For use when developing this module
    address_to_be_filled_in = "0x101010101"

Most of the sections in the package manifest are self explanatory, but named addresses can be a bit difficult to understand so it's worth examining them in a bit more detail.


编译期间的命名地址(Named Addresses During Compilation)

Recall that Move has named addresses and that named addresses cannot be declared in Move. Because of this, until now named addresses and their values needed to be passed to the compiler on the command line. With the Move package system this is no longer needed, and you can declare named addresses in the package, instantiate other named addresses in scope, and rename named addresses from other packages within the Move package system manifest file. Let's go through each of these individually:

回想一下,Move 具有命名地址,并且不能在 Move 中声明命名地址。正因为如此,到目前为止,命名地址及其值都需要在命令行上传递给编译器。但使用 Move 包系统时这将不再需要,您可以在包中声明命名地址,实例化范围内的其他命名地址,并从 Move 包系统清单文件中的其他包重命名命名地址,让我们分别来看看这些:


Let's say we have a Move module in example_pkg/sources/A.move as follows:


    module named_addr::A {
        public fun x(): address { @named_addr }

We could in example_pkg/Move.toml declare the named address named_addr in two different ways. The first:


    name = "ExamplePkg"
    named_addr = "_"

Declares named_addr as a named address in the package ExamplePkg and that this address can be any valid address value. Therefore an importing package can pick the value of the named address named_addr to be any address it wishes. Intuitively you can think of this as parameterizing the package ExamplePkg by the named address named_addr, and the package can then be instantiated later on by an importing package.

声明named_addr为包ExamplePkg中的命名地址,并且 该地址可以是任何有效的地址值。因此,导入包可以选择命名地址的值作为named_addr它希望的任何地址。直观地,您可以将其视为通过命名地址named_addr参数化包 ExamplePkg,然后稍后通过导入包使包被实例化。

named_addr can also be declared as:


    name = "ExamplePkg"
    named_addr = "0xCAFE"

which states that the named address named_addr is exactly 0xCAFE and cannot be changed. This is useful so other importing packages can use this named address without needing to worry about the exact value assigned to it.


With these two different declaration methods, there are two ways that information about named addresses can flow in the package graph:

  • The former ("unassigned named addresses") allows named address values to flow from the importation site to the declaration site.
  • The latter ("assigned named addresses") allows named address values to flow from the declaration site upwards in the package graph to usage sites.


  • 前者(“未分配的命名地址”)允许命名地址值从进口站点流向申报站点。
  • 后者(“分配的命名地址”)允许命名地址值从包图中的声明站点向上流动到使用站点。

With these two methods for flowing named address information throughout the package graph the rules around scoping and renaming become important to understand.


命名地址的作用域和重命名(Scoping and Renaming of Named Addresses)

A named address N in a package P is in scope if:

  1. It declares a named address N; or
  2. A package in one of P's transitive dependencies declares the named address N and there is a dependency path in the package graph between between P and the declaring package of N with no renaming of N.


  1. 它声明了一个命名地址N;或者
  2. P的传递依赖项之一中的包声明了命名地址N,并且封装图在P和没有重命名的声明包N之间有一个依赖路径。

Additionally, every named address in a package is exported. Because of this and the above scoping rules each package can be viewed as coming with a set of named addresses that will be brought into scope when the package is imported, e.g., if the ExamplePkg package was imported, that importation would bring into scope the named_addr named address. Because of this, if P imports two packages P1 and P2 both of which declare a named address N an issue arises in P: which "N" is meant when N is referred to in P? The one from P1 or P2? To prevent this ambiguity around which package a named address is coming from, we enforce that the sets of scopes introduced by all dependencies in a package are disjoint, and provide a way to rename named addresses when the package that brings them into scope is imported.

此外,包中的每个命名地址都会被导出。由于这个和上面的范围规则,每个包都可以被视为带有一组命名地址,当包被导入时,这些地址将被带入作用域,例如,如果包ExamplePkg被导入,则该导入会将命名地址named_addr带入作用域。 因此,如果P导入两个包P1并且P2都声明了一个命名地址N,在P中则会出现以下问题:当N被引用于P时我们指的是哪个N?来自P1或来自P2N? 为了防止命名地址来自哪个包的这种歧义,我们强制一个包中所有依赖项引入的范围集是不相交的,并提供一种在将命名地址带入范围的包被导入时重命名命名地址的方法。

Renaming a named address when importing can be done as follows in our P, P1, and P2 example above:


    name = "P"
    P1 = { local = "some_path_to_P1", addr_subst = { "P1N" = "N" } }
    P2 = { local = "some_path_to_P2"  }

With this renaming N refers to the N from P2 and P1N will refer to N coming from P1:

这种重命名N指的是P2中的N并且P1N将指 P1中的N

    module N::A {
        public fun x(): address { @P1N }

It is important to note that renaming is not local: once a named address N has been renamed to N2 in a package P all packages that import P will not see N but only N2 unless N is reintroduced from outside of P. This is why rule (2) in the scoping rules at the start of this section specifies a "dependency path in the package graph between between P and the declaring package of N with no renaming of N."

重要的是要注意 重命名不是局部的:一旦一个命名地址N在一个包P中被重命名为N2,所有导入P的包都不会看到N但只会看到N2,除非N是从P外引入的。这就是为什么本节开头的范围规则中的规则 (2) 特别说明了“在P和没有重命名的声明包N 的封装图中的依赖路径” 。


Named addresses can be instantiated multiple times across the package graph as long as it is always with the same value. It is an error if the same named address (regardless of renaming) is instantiated with differing values across the package graph.


A Move package can only be compiled if all named addresses resolve to a value. This presents issues if the package wishes to expose an uninstantiated named address. This is what the [dev-addresses] section solves. This section can set values for named addresses, but cannot introduce any named addresses. Additionally, only the [dev-addresses] in the root package are included in dev mode. For example a root package with the following manifest would not compile outside of dev mode since named_addr would be uninstantiated:

只有当所有命名地址都解析为一个值时,才能编译 Move 包。如果包希望公开未实例化的命名地址,则会出现问题。这就是[dev-addresses]段要解决的问题。此段可以设置命名地址的值,但不能引入任何命名地址。此外, dev模式下仅根包中的[dev-addresses]会被包括进来。例如,具有以下清单的根包将不会在dev模式之外编译,因为named_addr不会被实例化:

name = "ExamplePkg"
named_addr = "_"

named_addr = "0xC0FFEE"

用法、源代码和数据结构( Usage, Artifacts, and Data Structures)

The Move package system comes with a command line option as part of the Move CLI move <flags> <command> <command_flags>. Unless a particular path is provided, all package commands will run in the current working directory. The full list of commands and flags for the Move CLI can be found by running move --help.

Move 软件包系统带有一个命令行选项,作为 Move CLI 的一部分move <flags> <command> <command_flags>。除非提供特定路径,否则所有包命令都将在当前工作目录中运行。可以通过运行move --help找到 Move CLI 的命令和标志的完整列表。


A package can be compiled either through the Move CLI commands, or as a library command in Rust with the function compile_package. This will create a CompiledPackage that holds the compiled bytecode along with other compilation artifacts (source maps, documentation, ABIs) in memory. This CompiledPackage can be converted to an OnDiskPackage and vice versa -- the latter being the data of the CompiledPackage laid out in the file system in the following format:

一个包可以通过 Move CLI 命令,或是当作Rust函数compile_package的库命令来编译。 这种编译方法将创建一个编译包CompiledPackage 保存已编译的字节码以及其他编译内存中的源代码(源映射、文档、ABIs)。这个CompiledPackage可以转换为OnDiskPackage,反之亦然——后者是文件系统中的编译包 CompiledPackage数据,它的格式如下:

├── Move.toml
└── build
    ├── <dep_pkg_name>
    │   ├── BuildInfo.yaml
    │   ├── bytecode_modules
    │   │   └── *.mv
    │   ├── source_maps
    │   │   └── *.mvsm
    │   ├── bytecode_scripts
    │   │   └── *.mv
    │   ├── abis
    │   │   ├── *.abi
    │   │   └── <module_name>/*.abi
    │   └── sources
    │       └── *.move
    └── <dep_pkg_name>
        ├── BuildInfo.yaml
        └── sources

See the move-package crate for more information on these data structures and how to use the Move package system as a Rust library.

有关这些数据结构和如何将 Move 包系统用作 Rust 库的更多信息,请参阅 move-package 箱(crate) 。