使用与别名(Uses and Aliases)

The use syntax can be used to create aliases to members in other modules. use can be used to create aliases that last either for the entire module, or for a given expression block scope.

use 语法可用于为其他模块中的成员创建别名。 use 可用于创建持续整个模块或给定表达式块范围的别名。


There are several different syntax cases for use. Starting with the most simple, we have the following for creating aliases to other modules


use <address>::<module name>;
use <address>::<module name> as <module alias name>;

For example 举例

use std::vector;
use std::vector as V;

use std::vector; introduces an alias vector for std::vector. This means that anywhere you would want to use the module name std::vector (assuming this use is in scope), you could use vector instead. use std::vector; is equivalent to use std::vector as vector;

use std::vector;std::vector 引入别名向量。这意味着在任何您想使用模块名称 std::vector 的地方(假设此use在作用域内),您都可以使用 vector 代替使用std::vector;

Similarly use std::vector as V; would let you use V instead of std::vector

同样使用 std::vector as V;会让你使用 V 代替 std::vector

use std::vector;
use std::vector as V;

fun new_vecs(): (vector<u8>, vector<u8>, vector<u8>) {
    let v1 = std::vector::empty();
    let v2 = vector::empty();
    let v3 = V::empty();
    (v1, v2, v3)

If you want to import a specific module member (such as a function, struct, or constant). You can use the following syntax.


use <address>::<module name>::<module member>;
use <address>::<module name>::<module member> as <member alias>;

For example 举例

use std::vector::empty;
use std::vector::empty as empty_vec;

This would let you use the function std::vector::empty without full qualification. Instead you could use empty and empty_vec respectively. Again, use std::vector::empty; is equivalent to use std::vector::empty as empty;

这将允许您在没有前缀限定的情况下使用函数 std::vector::empty。相反,您可以分别使用 emptyempty_vec,使用 std::vector::empty;使用empty 相当于使用std::vector::empty;

use std::vector::empty;
use std::vector::empty as empty_vec;

fun new_vecs(): (vector<u8>, vector<u8>, vector<u8>) {
    let v1 = std::vector::empty();
    let v2 = empty();
    let v3 = empty_vec();
    (v1, v2, v3)

If you want to add aliases for multiple module members at once, you can do so with the following syntax


use <address>::<module name>::{<module member>, <module member> as <member alias> ... };

For example 举例

use std::vector::{push_back, length as len, pop_back};

fun swap_last_two<T>(v: &mut vector<T>) {
    assert!(len(v) >= 2, 42);
    let last = pop_back(v);
    let second_to_last = pop_back(v);
    push_back(v, last);
    push_back(v, second_to_last)

If you need to add an alias to the Module itself in addition to module members, you can do that in a single use using Self. Self is a member of sorts that refers to the module.

如果除了模块成员之外,您还需要为模块本身添加别名,您可以使用 Self 在一次use中完成。 Self 是指模块的各种成员。

use std::vector::{Self, empty};
For clarity, all of the following are equivalent:

For clarity, all of the following are equivalent:


use std::vector;
use std::vector as vector;
use std::vector::Self;
use std::vector::Self as vector;
use std::vector::{Self};
use std::vector::{Self as vector};

If needed, you can have as many aliases for any item as you like


use std::vector::{
    Self as V,
    length as len,

fun pop_twice<T>(v: &mut vector<T>): (T, T) {
    // all options available given the `use` above
    assert!(vector::length(v) > 1, 42);
    assert!(V::length(v) > 1, 42);
    assert!(length(v) > 1, 42);
    assert!(len(v) > 1, 42);

    (vector::pop_back(v), vector::pop_back(v))

模块内部(Inside a module

Inside of a module all use declarations are usable regardless of the order of declaration.

在模块内部,无论声明顺序如何,所有 use 声明都是可用的。

address 0x42 {
module example {
    use std::vector;

    fun example(): vector<u8> {
        let v = empty();
        vector::push_back(&mut v, 0);
        vector::push_back(&mut v, 10);

    use std::vector::empty;

The aliases declared by use in the module usable within that module.


Additionally, the aliases introduced cannot conflict with other module members. See Uniqueness for more details


表达式内部(Inside an expression)

You can add use declarations to the beginning of any expression block

您可以将 use 声明添加到任何表达式块的开头

address 0x42 {
module example {

    fun example(): vector<u8> {
        use std::vector::{empty, push_back};

        let v = empty();
        push_back(&mut v, 0);
        push_back(&mut v, 10);

As with let, the aliases introduced by use in an expression block are removed at the end of that block.

let 一样,在表达式块中使用 use 引入的别名在该块的末尾被删除。

address 0x42 {
module example {

    fun example(): vector<u8> {
        let result = {
            use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
            let v = empty();
            push_back(&mut v, 0);
            push_back(&mut v, 10);


Attempting to use the alias after the block ends will result in an error


fun example(): vector<u8> {
    let result = {
        use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
        let v = empty();
        push_back(&mut v, 0);
        push_back(&mut v, 10);
    let v2 = empty(); // 错误!
//           ^^^^^ 未绑定的函数 'empty'

Any use must be the first item in the block. If the use comes after any expression or let, it will result in a parsing error

任何使用都必须是块中的第一项。如果 use 出现在任何表达式或 let 之后,则会导致解析错误

    let x = 0;
    use std::vector; // 错误!
    let v = vector::empty();

命名规则(Naming rules)

Aliases must follow the same rules as other module members. This means that aliases to structs or constants must start with A to Z

别名必须遵循与其他模块成员相同的规则。这意味着结构或常量的别名必须以 AZ 开头

address 0x42 {
module data {
    struct S {}
    const FLAG: bool = false;
    fun foo() {}
module example {
    use 0x42::data::{
        S as s, // 错误!
        FLAG as fLAG, // 错误!
        foo as FOO,  // 有效
        foo as bar, // 有效


Inside a given scope, all aliases introduced by use declarations must be unique.

在给定范围内,所有由 use 声明引入的别名必须是唯一的。

For a module, this means aliases introduced by use cannot overlap


address 0x42 {
module example {

    use std::vector::{empty as foo, length as foo}; // ERROR!
    //                                        ^^^ duplicate 'foo'

    use std::vector::empty as bar;

    use std::vector::length as bar; // 错误!
    //                         ^^^ 重复的 'bar'


And, they cannot overlap with any of the module's other members


address 0x42 {
module data {
    struct S {}
module example {
    use 0x42::data::S;

    struct S { value: u64 } // ERROR!
    //     ^ conflicts with alias 'S' above

Inside of an expression block, they cannot overlap with each other, but they can shadow other aliases or names from an outer scope



use aliases inside of an expression block can shadow names (module members or aliases) from the outer scope. As with shadowing of locals, the shadowing ends at the end of the expression block;


address 0x42 {
module example {

    struct WrappedVector { vec: vector<u64> }

    fun empty(): WrappedVector {
        WrappedVector { vec: std::vector::empty() }

    fun example1(): (WrappedVector, WrappedVector) {
        let vec = {
            use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
            // 'empty' 现在指向 std::vector::empty

            let v = empty();
            push_back(&mut v, 0);
            push_back(&mut v, 1);
            push_back(&mut v, 10);
        // 'empty' 现在指向 Self::empty

        (empty(), WrappedVector { vec })

    fun example2(): (WrappedVector, WrappedVector) {
        use std::vector::{empty, push_back};
        let w: WrappedVector = {
            use 0x42::example::empty;
        push_back(&mut w.vec, 0);
        push_back(&mut w.vec, 1);
        push_back(&mut w.vec, 10);

        let vec = empty();
        push_back(&mut vec, 0);
        push_back(&mut vec, 1);
        push_back(&mut vec, 10);

        (w, WrappedVector { vec })

未使用的Use或别名(Unused Use or Alias)

An unused use will result in an error

未使用的 use 会导致错误

address 0x42 {
module example {
    use std::vector::{empty, push_back}; // ERROR!
    //                       ^^^^^^^^^ 未使用的别名 'push_back'

    fun example(): vector<u8> {