局部变量和作用域(Local Variables and Scopes)

Local variables in Move are lexically (statically) scoped. New variables are introduced with the keyword let, which will shadow any previous local with the same name. Locals are mutable and can be updated both directly and via a mutable reference.

在Move语言中,局部变量的解析依赖于词法作用域(lexically scoped)或静态作用域(statically scoped)。新变量是通过关键字 let 引入的,它将遮蔽任何之前的局部同名变量。局部变量是可变的,可以直接更新,也可以通过可变引用更新。

声明局部变量 (Declaring Local Variables)

let bindings (let 绑定)

Move programs use let to bind variable names to values:

Move语言程序使用 let 来给变量名赋值:

let x = 1;
let y = x + x:

let can also be used without binding a value to the local.

let 使用时也可以不绑定任何数值。

let x;

The local can then be assigned a value later.


let x;
if (cond) {
  x = 1
} else {
  x = 0

This can be very helpful when trying to extract a value from a loop when a default value cannot be provided.


let x;
let cond = true;
let i = 0;
loop {
    (x, cond) = foo(i);
    if (!cond) break;
    i = i + 1;

变量必须在使用前赋值 (Variables must be assigned before use)

Move's type system prevents a local variable from being used before it has been assigned.


let x;
x + x // ERROR!
let x;
if (cond) x = 0;
x + x // ERROR!
let x;
while (cond) x = 0;
x + x // ERROR!

有效的变量名 (Valid variable names)

Variable names can contain underscores _, letters a to z, letters A to Z, and digits 0 to 9. Variable names must start with either an underscore _ or a letter a through z. They cannot start with uppercase letters.

变量名可以包含下划线 _,小写字母 az ,大写字母 AZ, 和数字 09 。变量名必须以下划线_或者以小写字母az开头。它们 不可以 用大写字母开头。

// 正确写法
let x = e;
let _x = e;
let _A = e;
let x0 = e;
let xA = e;
let foobar_123 = e;

// 非正确写法
let X = e; // ERROR!
let Foo = e; // ERROR!

类型标注 (Type annotations)

The type of a local variable can almost always be inferred by Move's type system. However, Move allows explicit type annotations that can be useful for readability, clarity, or debuggability. The syntax for adding a type annotation is:

局部变量的类型几乎总是可以通过 Move 的类型系统推断出来。 但是,Move 允许显式标注类型,这对可读性、清晰性或可调试性很有用。 添加类型标注的语法如下:

let x: T = e; // "变量 x 的类型 T 被定义为表达式 e"

Some examples of explicit type annotations: 一些显式标注类型的例子:

address 0x42 {
    module example {

        struct S { f: u64, g: u64 }

        fun annotated() {
            let u: u8 = 0;
            let b: vector<u8> = b"hello";
            let a: address = @0x0;
            let (x, y): (&u64, &mut u64) = (&0, &mut 1);
            let S { f, g: f2 }: S = S { f: 0, g: 1 };

Note that the type annotations must always be to the right of the pattern:


let (x: &u64, y: &mut u64) = (&0, &mut 1); // 错误! 正确写法是 let (x, y): ... =

何时需要(类型)标注 (When annotations are necessary)

In some cases, a local type annotation is required if the type system cannot infer the type. This commonly occurs when the type argument for a generic type cannot be inferred. For example:

在某些情况下,如果类型系统无法推断类型,则需要局部类型标注。这常常发生于无法推断某个泛型(generic type)的类型参数时。比如:

let _v1 = vector::empty(); // 错误!
//        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 无法推断它的类型。 请加上注解
let v2: vector<u64> = vector::empty(); // 正确

In a rarer case, the type system might not be able to infer a type for divergent code (where all the following code is unreachable). Both return and abort are expressions and can have any type. A loop has type () if it has a break, but if there is no break out of the loop, it could have any type. If these types cannot be inferred, a type annotation is required. For example, this code:

在极少数情况下,Move的类型系统并不能推断出一段发散式代码(divergent code)的类型(后面所有代码无法访问)。在Move语言中,returnabort都属于表达式,它们可以返回任何类型。如果一段 loopbreak 语句,那么它的返回类型是(), 然而如果它不包含break语句,它的返回类型可以是任何类型。如果这些类型无法推断,类型标注是必须的。比如:

let a: u8 = return ();
let b: bool = abort 0;
let c: signer = loop ();

let x = return (); // ERROR!
//  ^ Could not infer this type. Try adding an annotation
let y = abort 0; // ERROR!
//  ^ Could not infer this type. Try adding an annotation
let z = loop (); // ERROR!
//  ^ Could not infer this type. Try adding an annotation

Adding type annotations to this code will expose other errors about dead code or unused local variables, but the example is still helpful for understanding this problem.


元组式的多个(变量)声明 (Multiple declarations with tuples)

let can introduce more than one local at a time using tuples. The locals declared inside the parenthesis are initialized to the corresponding values from the tuple.

let 可以使用元组一次引入多个局部变量。在括号里面声明的局部变量会被初始化为元组中的对应值。

let () = ();
let (x0, x1) = (0, 1);
let (y0, y1, y2) = (0, 1, 2);
let (z0, z1, z2, z3) = (0, 1, 2, 3);

The type of the expression must match the arity of the tuple pattern exactly.


let (x, y) = (0, 1, 2); // 错误!
let (x, y, z, q) = (0, 1, 2); // 错误!

You cannot declare more than one local with the same name in a single let.

您不能在单个 let 中声明多个具有相同名称的局部变量。

let (x, x) = 0; // 错误!

结构体式的多个(变量)声明(Multiple declarations with structs)

let can also introduce more than one local at a time when destructuring (or matching against) a struct. In this form, the let creates a set of local variables that are initialized to the values of the fields from a struct. The syntax looks like this:

let 也可以在解构(或匹配)结构时一次引入多个局部变量。在这种形式中,let 创建了一组局部变量,这些变量被初始化为结构中的字段的值。语法如下所示:

struct T { f1: u64, f2: u64 }
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
// local1: u64
// local2: u64

Here is a more complicated example:


address 0x42 {
    module example {
        struct X { f: u64 }
        struct Y { x1: X, x2: X }

        fun new_x(): X {
            X { f: 1 }

        fun example() {
            let Y { x1: X { f }, x2 } = Y { x1: new_x(), x2: new_x() };
            assert!(f + x2.f == 2, 42);

            let Y { x1: X { f: f1 }, x2: X { f: f2 } } = Y { x1: new_x(), x2: new_x() };
            assert!(f1 + f2 == 2, 42);

Fields of structs can serve double duty, identifying the field to bind and the name of the variable. This is sometimes referred to as punning.

结构体的字段可以起到双重作用:识别要绑定的字段 命名变量。这有时被称为双关语。

let X { f } = e;

is equivalent to:


let X { f: f } = e;

As shown with tuples, you cannot declare more than one local with the same name in a single let.

如元组所示,您不能在单个 let 中声明多个具有相同名称的局部变量。

let Y { x1: x, x2: x } = e; // 错误!(两个x同名了,注者注)

针对引用进行解构(Destructuring against references)

In the examples above for structs, the bound value in the let was moved, destroying the struct value and binding its fields.

在上面的结构体示例中,let 中绑定的值被移动了,这销毁了结构体的值并同时绑定了它的字段(到变量)。

struct T { f1: u64, f2: u64 }
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
// local1: u64
// local2: u64

In this scenario the struct value T { f1: 1, f2: 2 } no longer exists after the let.

If you wish instead to not move and destroy the struct value, you can borrow each of its fields. For example:

在这种场景下结构体的值 T { f1: 1, f2: 2 } 会在 let 后消失.


let t = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = &t;
// local1: &u64
// local2: &u64

And similarly with mutable references:


let t = T { f1: 1, f2: 2 };
let T { f1: local1, f2: local2 } = &mut t;
// local1: &mut u64
// local2: &mut u64

This behavior can also work with nested structs.


address 0x42 {
    module example {
        struct X { f: u64 }
        struct Y { x1: X, x2: X }

        fun new_x(): X {
            X { f: 1 }

        fun example() {
            let y = Y { x1: new_x(), x2: new_x() };

            let Y { x1: X { f }, x2 } = &y;
            assert!(*f + x2.f == 2, 42);

            let Y { x1: X { f: f1 }, x2: X { f: f2 } } = &mut y;
            *f1 = *f1 + 1;
            *f2 = *f2 + 1;
            assert!(*f1 + *f2 == 4, 42);

忽略值(Ignoring Values)

In let bindings, it is often helpful to ignore some values. Local variables that start with _ will be ignored and not introduce a new variable

let 绑定中,忽略某些值通常很有帮助。以 _ 开头的局部变量将被忽略并且不会引入新变量。

fun three(): (u64, u64, u64) {
    (0, 1, 2)
let (x1, _, z1) = three();
let (x2, _y, z2) = three();
assert!(x1 + z1 == x2 + z2)

This can be necessary at times as the compiler will error on unused local variables。


let (x1, y, z1) = three(); // 错误!
//       ^ 未被使用的局部变量 'y'

通用的 let 语法 (General let grammar)

All of the different structures in let can be combined! With that we arrive at this general grammar for let statements:

let 中的所有不同结构都可以组合!有了这个,我们撰写了let语句的通用语法:

let-bindinglet pattern-or-list type-annotationopt initializeropt > pattern-or-listpattern | ( pattern-list ) > pattern-listpattern ,opt | pattern , pattern-list > type-annotation: type initializer= expression

The general term for the item that introduces the bindings is a pattern. The pattern serves to both destructure data (possibly recursively) and introduce the bindings. The pattern grammar is as follows:

引入绑定(binding)的项(item)的通用术语是 模式。这种模式(pattern)用于解构数据(可能递归)并引入绑定。模式语法如下:

patternlocal-variable | struct-type { field-binding-list } > field-binding-listfield-binding ,opt | field-binding , field-binding-list > field-bindingfield | field : pattern

A few concrete examples with this grammar applied:


    let (x, y): (u64, u64) = (0, 1);
//       ^                           局部变量
//       ^                           模式
//          ^                        局部变量
//          ^                        模式
//          ^                        模式列表
//       ^^^^                        模式列表
//      ^^^^^^                       模式或列表
//            ^^^^^^^^^^^^           类型注解
//                         ^^^^^^^^  初始化的值
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ let-绑定

    let Foo { f, g: x } = Foo { f: 0, g: 1 };
//      ^^^                                    结构类型
//            ^                                字段
//            ^                                字段绑定
//               ^                             字段
//                  ^                          局部变量
//                  ^                          模式
//               ^^^^                          字段绑定
//            ^^^^^^^                          字段绑定列表
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        模式
//      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                        模式或列表
//                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^   初始化的值
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ let-绑定



After the local is introduced (either by let or as a function parameter), the local can be modified via an assignment:

在引入一个局部变量后(使用let或是用作一个函数参数(function parameter)),局部(变量)可以通过赋值进行修改:

x = e

Unlike let bindings, assignments are expressions. In some languages, assignments return the value that was assigned, but in Move, the type of any assignment is always ().

不同于 let 的绑定,赋值属于表达式。在一些编程语言中,赋值表达式会返回被赋予的值,但是在move语言中,任何赋值返回的类型永远都是()

(x = e: ())

Practically, assignments being expressions means that they can be used without adding a new expression block with braces ({...}).

实际应用中,赋值属于表达式意味着使用它们时不用添加额外表达块(expression block)的括号。({...})

let x = 0;
if (cond) x = 1 else x = 2;

The assignment uses the same pattern syntax scheme as let bindings:

赋值使用与 let 绑定相同的模式语法方案::

address 0x42 {
    module example {
        struct X { f: u64 }

        fun new_x(): X {
            X { f: 1 }

        // 以下的例子会因为未使用的变量和赋值报错。
        fun example() {
        let (x, _, z) = (0, 1, 3);
        let (x, y, f, g);

        (X { f }, X { f: x }) = (new_x(), new_x());
        assert!(f + x == 2, 42);

        (x, y, z, f, _, g) = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Note that a local variable can only have one type, so the type of the local cannot change between assignments.


let x;
x = 0;
x = false; // 错误!

通过引用进行变更 (Mutating through a reference)

In addition to directly modifying a local with assignment, a local can be modified via a mutable reference &mut.

除了通过赋值直接修改局部变量外,还可以通过可变引用 &mut 的方式修改局部变量。

let x = 0;
let r = &mut x;
*r = 1;
assert!(x == 1, 42)

This is particularly useful if either:

(1) You want to modify different variables depending on some condition.


(1) 您想根据某些条件修改不同的变量。

let x = 0;
let y = 1;
let r = if (cond) &mut x else &mut y;
*r = *r + 1;

(2) You want another function to modify your local value.

(2) 您想要另一个函数来修改您的局部(变量)值。

let x = 0;
modify_ref(&mut x);

This sort of modification is how you modify structs and vectors!


let v = vector::empty();
vector::push_back(&mut v, 100);
assert!(*vector::borrow(&v, 0) == 100, 42)

For more details, see Move references.

关于更多细节可以参考 Move 引用.

作用域 (Scopes)

Any local declared with let is available for any subsequent expression, within that scope. Scopes are declared with expression blocks, {...}.

Locals cannot be used outside of the declared scope.

使用 let 声明的任何局部变量都可用于任何后续表达式,在该范围内。作用域用表达式块(expression blocks)声明,{...}


let x = 0;
    let y = 1;
x + y // 错误!
//  ^ 未绑定的局部变量“y”

But, locals from an outer scope can be used in a nested scope.

但是,来自作用域外部的部变量 可以 在嵌套作用域中使用。

    let x = 0;
        let y = x + 1; // 合规范的

Locals can be mutated in any scope where they are accessible. That mutation survives with the local, regardless of the scope that performed the mutation.


let x = 0;
x = x + 1;
assert!(x == 1, 42);
    x = x + 1;
    assert!(x == 2, 42);
assert!(x == 2, 42);

表达式块(Expression Blocks)

An expression block is a series of statements separated by semicolons (;). The resulting value of an expression block is the value of the last expression in the block.

表达式块是由分号 (;) 分隔的一系列语句。结果值为表达式块是块中最后一个表达式的值。

{ let x = 1; let y = 1; x + y }

In this example, the result of the block is x + y.

A statement can be either a let declaration or an expression. Remember that assignments (x = e) are expressions of type ().

在此示例中, 此区块的结果是 x + y.

语句可以是 let 声明或表达式。请记住赋值(x = e)是 () 类型的表达式。

{ let x; let y = 1; x = 1; x + y }

Function calls are another common expression of type (). Function calls that modify data are commonly used as statements.

函数调用是 () 类型的另一种常见表达方式。修改数据的函数调用通常被用作语句表达(statements)。

{ let v = vector::empty(); vector::push_back(&mut v, 1); v }

This is not just limited to () types---any expression can be used as a statement in a sequence!

这不仅限于 () 类型——任何表达式都可以用作序列中的语句!

    let x = 0;
    x + 1; // 值会被丢弃
    x + 2; // 值会被丢弃
    b"hello"; // 值会被丢弃

But! If the expression contains a resource (a value without the drop ability), you will get an error. This is because Move's type system guarantees that any value that is dropped has the drop ability. (Ownership must be transferred or the value must be explicitly destroyed within its declaring module.)

但是!如果表达式包含一个没有 drop 能力 的值的资源,程序会返回错误。这是因为 Move 的类型系统保证任何被丢弃的值有 drop 能力。 (所有权必须被转让或一个值必须在其声明模块中被显式销毁。)

    let x = 0;
    Coin { value: x }; // ERROR!
//  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 没有 `drop` 能力的未使用值

If a final expression is not present in a block---that is, if there is a trailing semicolon ;, there is an implicit unit () value. Similarly, if the expression block is empty, there is an implicit unit () value.

如果块中不存在最终表达式---也就是说,如果有一个尾随分号;,有一个隐含的 unit () 值。同样,如果表达式块为空,则存在隐式 unit () 值。

// 两者是相同的
{ x = x + 1; 1 / x; }
{ x = x + 1; 1 / x; () }
// 两者是相同的
{ }
{ () }

An expression block is itself an expression and can be used anyplace an expression is used. (Note: The body of a function is also an expression block, but the function body cannot be replaced by another expression.)

表达式块本身就是一个表达式,可以在任何使用表达式的地方使用。 (注意:函数体也是表达式块,但函数体不能被另一个表达式替换。)

let my_vector: vector<vector<u8>> = {
    let v = vector::empty();
    vector::push_back(&mut v, b"hello");
    vector::push_back(&mut v, b"goodbye");

(The type annotation is not needed in this example and only added for clarity.)



If a let introduces a local variable with a name already in scope, that previous variable can no longer be accessed for the rest of this scope. This is called shadowing.

如果一个 let 引入了一个已经在作用域内的同名局部变量,那么之前的变量不能继续在此作用域的其余部分访问。这称为 遮蔽 ( shadowing )。

let x = 0;
assert!(x == 0, 42);

let x = 1; // x被遮蔽了
assert!(x == 1, 42);

When a local is shadowed, it does not need to retain the same type as before.


let x = 0;
assert!(x == 0, 42);

let x = b"hello"; // x被遮蔽了
assert!(x == b"hello", 42);

After a local is shadowed, the value stored in the local still exists, but will no longer be accessible. This is important to keep in mind with values of types without the drop ability, as ownership of the value must be transferred by the end of the function.

一个局部变量被遮蔽后,存储在局部变量的值仍然存在,但将变得不再可访问。对于没有drop 能力的类型的值,请记住这一点很重要,因为值的所有权必须在函数结束时转移。

address 0x42 {
    module example {
        struct Coin has store { value: u64 }

        fun unused_resource(): Coin {
            let x = Coin { value: 0 }; // 错误!
//              ^ 这个局部变量仍然包含一个没有 `drop` 能力的值
            x.value = 1;
            let x = Coin { value: 10 };
//          ^ 不合规范的返回

When a local is shadowed inside a scope, the shadowing only remains for that scope. The shadowing is gone once that scope ends.


let x = 0;
    let x = 1;
    assert!(x == 1, 42);
assert!(x == 0, 42);

Remember, locals can change type when they are shadowed.


let x = 0;
    let x = b"hello";
    assert!(x = b"hello", 42);
assert!(x == 0, 42);

移动和复制(Move and Copy)

All local variables in Move can be used in two ways, either by move or copy. If one or the other is not specified, the Move compiler is able to infer whether a copy or a move should be used. This means that in all of the examples above, a move or a copy would be inserted by the compiler. A local variable cannot be used without the use of move or copy.

copy will likely feel the most familiar coming from other programming languages, as it creates a new copy of the value inside of the variable to use in that expression. With copy, the local variable can be used more than once.

Move 中的所有局部变量都可以通过两种方式使用:通过 movecopy。如果其中一个未被指定时,Move 编译器能够推断应该使用 copymove。这意味着在上述所有示例中,movecopy 将被编译器插入。不使用 movecopy 就不能使用局部变量。

copy 对来自其他编程语言(的开发者)来说可能会觉得最熟悉,因为它创建了一个要在该表达式中使用的变量内部值的新副本。使用 copy,本地变量可以多次使用。

let x = 0;
let y = copy x + 1;
let z = copy x + 2;

Any value with the copy ability can be copied in this way.

move takes the value out of the local variable without copying the data. After a move occurs, the local variable is unavailable.

任何带有 copy 能力 的值都可以通过这种方式复制。

move 从局部变量中取走值 而不是 复制数据。发生移动后,局部变量会不可用。

let x = 1;
let y = move x + 1;
//      ------ 局部变量被移动到这里了
let z = move x + 2; // 错误!
//      ^^^^^^ 不合规范的'x'使用方式
y + z


Move's type system will prevent a value from being used after it is moved. This is the same safety check described in let declaration that prevents local variables from being used before it is assigned a value.

Move 的类型系统会防止一个值在移动后被使用。这和 let 声明 中描述的防止在局部变量在赋值之前被使用是一样的安全检查。


As mentioned above, the Move compiler will infer a copy or move if one is not indicated. The algorithm for doing so is quite simple:

  • Any scalar value with the copy ability is given a copy.
  • Any reference (both mutable &mut and immutable &) is given a copy.
    • Except under special circumstances where it is made a move for predictable borrow checker errors.
  • Any other value is given a move.
    • This means that even though other values might be have the copy ability, it must be done explicitly by the programmer.
    • This is to prevent accidental copies of large data structures.

如上所述,如果未指明,Move 编译器将推断出“复制”或“移动”。它的算法非常简单:

  • 任何带有 copy 能力 的标量值都被赋予了 copy
  • 任何引用(可变 &mut和不可变 &)都被赋予一个copy
    • 除非在预估借用检查器出错的特殊情况下,会进行 move 操作.
  • 任何其他值都被赋予 Move
    • 这意味着即使其他值可能具有 copy 能力,它必须由程序员 显式 声明。
    • 这是为了防止意外复制很大的数据结构。


let s = b"hello";
let foo = Foo { f: 0 };
let coin = Coin { value: 0 };

let s2 = s; // 移动
let foo2 = foo; // 移动
let coin2 = coin; // 移动

let x = 0;
let b = false;
let addr = @0x42;
let x_ref = &x;
let coin_ref = &mut coin2;

let x2 = x; // 复制
let b2 = b; // 复制
let addr2 = @0x42; // 复制
let x_ref2 = x_ref; // 复制
let coin_ref2 = coin_ref; // 复制